Not sure which classes to choose?
Here are all our class descriptions, including what to wear/bring to help you decide which classes might be perfect for you.
Still not sure?
Our unlimited 2-week trial pass allows you to try all our offerings so you can discover first-hand what will work best.
All classes will include barre-work, centre practice/adage and an allegro section. It is not necessary to wear a leotard and ballet tights (although we do welcome this), most people wear leggings and a top, but anything you can move in is great.
A ballet class for those who are new to ballet, want to take it slowly, or have done some ballet and want to focus on the basics. Please wear soft dance shoes (it is possible to trial with bare feet/socks) and bring a drink.
A ballet class for those who have done ballet for 2 years or more and are happy with ballet fundamentals. This class will move at a fast pace presuming a sound knowledge of technical basics. Please wear soft dance shoes (it is possible to trial with bare feet/socks) and bring a drink.
Barre Fitness
A fitness class combining yoga, Pilates and ballet technique. No experience is needed and it is suitable for all levels. Classes include a non-impact warm up section, a barre section with exercises which you hold on to a barre or chair and a floor section which includes strengthening and stretching. Floor work can be adapted to sitting if needed. Balls and resistance bands are provided – please bring a yoga mat if you have one (CourtX in Southsea have their own mats, our other venues do not). Please wear clothes you can move in, soft dance shoes/socks/bare feet will all work and bring a drink.
Based on suspension and release, this class contains warm-ups, technical exercises and traveling phrases. Our contemporary classes also offer the opportunity to be creative and experiment with movement both individually and in pairs/small groups giving the opportunity to dance with freedom and expression. Classes will also include work on a piece which will be developed over the course of a term (or a longer-term project over a few terms), Soft dance shoes/bare feet is recommended and please bring a drink.
Dance Fitness
Come and join the Party! Dance fitness is the perfect class for those who love to dance and want to boost their fitness. Our sessions feature easy-to-follow routines set to a variety of music genres, including pop, Latin, country, musical theatre, and more. Whether you’re new to exercise or returning after a break, this class is designed for all abilities. Please wear trainers and clothes you can move in.
Mellow Moves (Online Only)
A fun class for everyone to join and no experience is necessary. Warm up exercises, a pulse raiser and a simple routine which changes each month.
Musical Theatre Dance
Our most popular class and a great bringer of JOY! A theatre dance class featuring warm-ups, a pulse raiser, travelling sequences and a routine to a song from a musical. No experience is necessary and you are not required to sing! You will soon find you pick up all the moves! Dance shoes or trainers are recommended, please bring a drink (online and 45 minute classes don’t include a travelling sequence).
All classes will include warm-ups, technical exercises and a fun routine that will build up during the term. It is possible to try tap in any shoe, but tap shoes are recommended once you sign up to a regular class, Please bring a drink with you.
Just starting out or keeping it simple. Steps covered would include shuffles, riffs and cramp rolls. The pace will be slow and lots of technical hints and tips will be offered.
Improver Level 1
Some experience (Grade 2/3) In this level, steps such as timesteps and Suzie Q will be learnt, the pace will be slightly faster than beginner level but still with lots of technical input and instruction.
Improver Level 2
A more challenging class (Grade 3/4) This class will presume knowledge of timesteps, Suzie Q, Buffalo and backwards traveling steps (step pick up hop step/step pick up spring step etc). Ideal for those who tapped a lot as a child and want to get back into tapping, or those who have been learning a long time as an adult.
Advanced: Lots of experience (Grade 5+). Our fastest paced class, this will include challenging combinations, exercises containing elevated pick ups and advanced timesteps. A brilliant workout for the body and mind.
Weekend Workshop (Online Only)
Learn a musical theatre-based routine. There will be a new dance every week so no need to remember anything, just join us for fun! This class is 1 hour long to include a warm up section followed by the routine.